Youth Voice Survey 2022
The following statements were taken from the YouthVoice Survey 2022, a report prepared by Nicola Morton (Phd) and Sarah Wylie (MA) of The Collaborative Trust for Research and Training in Youth Health and Development for 24-7 YouthWork – January 2023.
According to the 2022 YouthVoice Survey, the most positive aspect students cited about their 24-7 experience was ‘having someone to talk to’. They also strongly appreciated the longer term nature of the relationship they had with youth workers, citing “My youth worker has built a positive relationship with me (92.4% ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’)”, followed by “My youth worker has helped support other students at my school (85.2% ‘agreed’ or ‘strongly agreed’).
Having someone to talk to, most common theme expressed by students/ most positive thing about their 24-7 experience.
Sub themes related to ‘having someone to talk to’ include trustworthiness/confidentiality, perceived lack of judgement, having someone to talk to other than friends/family/counsellors/teachers.
Left: Word cloud of responses to most positive thing about 24-7 Youth Worker experience. Taken from the Youth Voice Survey 2022, prepared by Nicola Morton (PhD) and Sarah Wylie (MA).