Tumanako is an Alternative Education provider that offers educational schooling to disengaged students between the ages of 13-16 on the west side of Christchurch.

Tūmanako is based at sites in Hornby and Rolleston, and was first established and opened in late January 2013. We are an Alternative Education provider (1 of 5 in Christchurch) that offers educational schooling to disengaged students between the ages of 13-16 on the west side of Christchurch.

At Tūmanako we hope to see growth in the young person just like the Horoeka, a unique NZ native small tree with lance-like foliage that changes dramatically as the tree matures. In fact, young trees are so different from mature trees that early botanists believed they were a different species. The young trees have leaves that point downwards in a defensive position, often look dead or horrible and are sharp to touch. As the Horoeka matures, it starts to point its leaves up towards the sun, with its leaves turning into a lush green, full of life and very soft to touch. At Tūmanako we see the comparison of the young Horoeka with the adolescent and the mature Horoeka with the adult. We strive to help the adolescent on the path of becoming a mature Horoeka in all aspects of their Hauora.

About Alternative Education

Source: https://chch.alted.org.nz/

A placement in Alternative Education is temporary and means the student learning occurs in an environment other than the school the student is enrolled at. The small group situation involves goal setting, literacy, numeracy, special interest areas, awards, and credits on the National Qualifications Framework. In student speak 'we get credits towards NCEA.'

The AE programme is delivered each week of the school term. 

Successful AE outcomes include placement into a mainstream school programme; placement in a youth guarantee tertiary course; dual enrolment in a secondary school and an associated trades academy; and employment.

Our Teachers

Jimmy Finlayson
Manager - Hornby and Rolleston
Lead Teacher - Hornby

Jo Finlayson
Teacher Aid - Hornby

Kate Goldsworthy
Lead Teacher - Rolleston

Tara Talbot
Assistant Teacher - Hornby

Laura Willan
Teacher Aid - Rolleston

Student Testimonials

  • "I never felt left out, Tūmanako was just so welcoming and inclusive and all the staff and students all got along."

  • "My defining moments of Tūmanako were the relationships I had with the staff, I've never had that from teachers before."

  • "Being at Tūmanako opened me up to an environment where I was around positive people - people that cared about themselves and about me."

  • "Mum noticed that I became really settled and really happy in my learning, and that there was a massive change in my attitude and behaviour for the better at home and at school."

  • "Man you were so encouraging and supportive, so much good fun and good laughs."

  • "Tūmanako definitely re-engaged me with my education, I hated school with a passion…I wouldn’t have succeeded anywhere else other than Tūmanako, I loved it there, I really didn’t want to go when my time was up."

  • "It was so positive, it was so enjoyable not always being stuck inside, the environment made me want to come to school."

  • "I became goal oriented and goal driven, you showed me to focus on my goals and work towards them. It was awesome when I achieved them but I also learnt to not get discouraged if my goals didn’t work out."

  • "The relationship between me and the staff that were there during my time was one of the best and uplifting relationships between teacher and students that I have had."

  • "The confidence I have today is down to being at Tūmanako and learning to be confident."

  • "You set the standards that we needed to meet for when we left and were out in the outside world."